James Magera, KCUC

James S. Magera, MD, FACS


Liberty Hospital
2529 Glenn Hendren Dr
Liberty, MO 64068

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Dr. Magera received his undergraduate degree from Montana State University and subsequently worked at Procter & Gamble as a chemical engineer. After completing medical school, he was selected for and completed his surgical internship and residency in urology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota in 2008.

Mayo Clinic residency afforded Dr. Magera the opportunity to author ten manuscripts published in the medical literature. In addition, he presented Mayo Clinic advanced surgical technique movies at regional and national urologic meetings. He continues to foster his relationships with the Professors in Urology at the Mayo Clinic with frequent personal and professional interactions including attendance of the Bi-annual Mayo Clinic Urology Conference.

Mayo Clinic training often focused on treatment of various cancers of the urinary system.  Robotic-assisted surgical techniques to address surgical issues of the urinary system was extensive. Immediately following his residency, Dr. Magera began practice in Iowa City, where he founded the robotic surgery program at Mercy Hospital. Now in Kansas City, he continues to expand and refine his robotic surgery skill set and surgical offerings.

Dr. Magera’s clinical interests include diagnosis and treatment of prostate, bladder, and kidney disorders and diseases, including the advanced surgical treatment of cancer and kidney stones. Robotic surgery is his preferred approach for treating diseases or disorders of the urinary system.

Dr. Magera is a Board Certified urologist, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, an active member of the American Urological Association and Mayo Alumni Association.

Dr. Magera’s philosophy on patient care was best stated by Dr. William Mayo, “The best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered.”