What is MonaLisa Touch Laser Therapy

MonaLisa laser therapy is an intravaginal rejuvenation treatment which uses a low dose special fractionated CO2 laser technology to gently stimulate and restore the vaginal lining. At KCUC, we offer MonaLisa Touch treatments in Kansas City and throughout the KC metro area.

MonaLisa Touch laser was developed to treat the symptoms of a condition called post-menopausal vaginal atrophy. Also called genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). In addition to menopause this condition may be caused from ovary removal or due to certain medications used to treat breast cancer.

Menopause occurs after a normal spontaneous drop in estrogen production from the ovaries, beginning around age 50 (earlier in some women). The lining (epithelium) and outer tissues of the vagina are estrogen-dependent and undergo atrophy. This may result in dryness, itchiness, and pain during intercourse(dyspareunia). It may also contribute to urinary tract infections and urinary leakage. Medical management of this condition usually requires some form of estrogen replacement. Topical use of an intravaginal cream or tablet are common ways to treat this condition. Medical treatment is not always effective however, and for some women estrogens are contraindicated, like those with a breast cancer history. MonaLisa Laser treatment in Kansas City is an effective alternative.

Who are candidates for MonaLisa Laser Treatment?

The MonaLisa laser is used to treat dryness, burning, painful intercourse, and may help prevent urinary tract infections and urinary leakage. Women who are the best candidates for this procedure include:

  • Menopausal or post-menopausal women
  • Women who have had their ovaries removed
  • Women with breast cancer
  • Women on estrogen-blocking medications

How it works

In the doctor’s office, the patient reclines in a comfortable position with her feet in stirrups. The area is prepared with a topical lidocaine jelly and the provider places the small laser wand into the vagina.  The MonaLisa is then calibrated to deliver a predetermined dose and depth of laser therapy to the internal vaginal lining and outer vaginal tissues. Most women have minimal discomfort. Some have a slight vibrating sensation.

The laser energy causes a controlled injury to the atrophic cells and stimulates them to regenerate. It also boosts healthy collagen, elastin, and blood vessel production. Women report improved vaginal tissue and healthy outer vaginal skin with better lubrication. The treatment only takes about 5 minutes and patients are free to return to their normal daily activities. Three treatments, 6 to 8 weeks apart, is usually recommended. 

How successful is it? *






LAXITY – 90%

Courtesy of Prof. S. Salvatore – Hospital San Raffaele, Milan (Italy)

*From the MonaLisa web site